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Investment and internationalization opportunities in the US after the Tax Reform.


How can the Italian companies benefit from the investment and internationalization opportunities in the US after the Tax Reform?

The reform was approved in December 2017, and it’s the most significant tax cut in the American history. The benefits included in the reform are many and apply to various social classes and business groups.

The main aspects that will affect the US economy are:

  • permanent massive reduction of corporate tax

  • the possibility of depreciating 100% of the full purchase cost of capital goods within the first year of entry into service

  • facilitation of repatriation of capital funds in the US

  • substantial benefits for the real estate industry (in Florida for example, where further local benefits apply)

Changes of this type offer many growth opportunities and might help the US become an essential target for many business initiatives and internationalization processes.

Among the main advantages offered by the internationalization in the US are:

  • Favourable tax aspects provided for in the Trump reform (as per JP Morgan declaration about first quarter)

  • The fact that the US are getting nearer to the energy independence

  • Further tax and bureaucracy concessions in some States (i.e., Delaware or Florida)

Internationalization and delocalization can be carried out in several ways:

  • Attending international fairs and conferences

  • Increasing import and export operations

  • Moving the production to other countries

  • Making direct investments abroad

  • Creating new companies

  • Signing agreements with international business partners

  • Opening branches

  • Joint-ventures, and so on.

The US is one of the primary target countries for this type of investments from the Italian companies and thanks to the Tax Reform, it will continue being an appealing destination for both creating new companies and making real estate investments.

Receiving skilled advice in this field is essential. These types of investments require an in-depth knowledge of the local market and its dynamics, without forgetting about the legal and tax aspects.

Our studies can help small/medium businesses in several ways, here are a few examples of advice we provide to businesses who desire to delocalize or invest in the US:

– creating an LLC [Limited Liability Company], a Corporation or other types of companies.
– opening a branch in the US (from restaurants to multinational companies)
– incubating a start-up
– buying a property in Miami, for example, or New York
– managing and being compliant with the american fiscal laws

Thanks to our international team, we can help investors enter the US market in the best possible way, being compliant with all necessary bureaucracy.

Get in touch with us for more information.

Francesco piattelli